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Siyah Qalam Watercolour brush-drawing, on paper, 18 cm. X 18 cm. 2019
The Moon has been a source of fascination and speculation for millenia, long before we were able to physically explore it's surface. The drawing is rendered using a historical Turco/Persian technique of refined brush-drawing called Siyah Qalam, evoking an imaginary landscape with clouds.
The light-giving Sun is the inspiration for a traditional Persian/Islamic device called Shamsa. These brush-drawings explore traditional geometrical constructions to discover new expressions of this powerful motif.
Pencil drawing on paper, H. 21 cm. X W.56 cm.
Watercolour and brush-drawing on paper, H. 56 cm. X W. 52.5 cm.
Silverpoint drawing on coated paper, H. 19cm. X W.21 cm.
Detail. Silverpoint drawing on coated paper.
Silverpoint drawing on coated paper, H. 22cm. X W. 17cm.
Studies and interpretations of the structures of living organisms using Siyah Qalam brush-drawing, Silver-Point and Graphite Pencil. Silver-point Drawing is a Renaissance technique using a pure silver stylus to draw on specially coated paper. The silver oxidizes, creating delicate warm-grey marks on the surface.
These drawings are relateable to the paper structures in Shell Sculpture.
In the 1960s Benoit Mandelbrot publicized his discovery of a computer-driven recurring equation that plots an iconic shape known as the Mandelbrot Set. His research encompassed many previous enquiries into strange self-replicating patterns in nature as well as in purely abstract observations, and he coined the term Fractal to describe these phenomena.
These Siyah Qalam drawings are my responses to some of the math behind the Mandelbrot Set on a philosophical level, relating it to historic cultural concepts of the Eternal and the Unseen.
The Mandelbrot Set is envisaged as an other-dimensional landscape, plotted as it is on the Complex Number Plane, which can only be accessed by the agency of other-dimensional beings, such as Dragons, or the Djinn of Islamic thought.
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Anita Chowdry